Monday 21 March 2011

The dreaded 'beaver's tail'!

Hello everyone! Today I am going to start from the begining and answer some of those questions that are a great mystery to you when it comes to African style braiding. First things first, African hair styles CAN suit all hair types and skin types!

Secondly, YES... African hair styles can be and are professional. They must be done very professionally though otherwise you may look like you have a birds nest in your hair.

When having either microbraids or corn rows done to your hair, ensure that the stylist knows what they are doing. This will have a positive effect on your look and confidence :-). My theory is that the thinner the braids or cornrows are, the more professional it looks. It does also help if they are the same size.

In my profession I have found that dredlocks have  been the cause of most of the misconceptions that African hair styles are "dirty" and "unprofessional". This is quite understandable considering some of the styles you see out there in the world. I once walked past a man one day who I can only describe as having a "beaver's tail" in place of his hair. Definately unprofessional in the corperate world and not particularly a 'turn on' for the ladies!

So, here is what I suggest to do in order to turn the dreaded beaver tail into a professional exotic style that will have everyone green with envy...

1. Seek a professional.
2. The thinner the braids or cornrows are the better they look, so ask for your hair to be done thinner than the normal.
3. Get good style care products and advice on how to keep your hair looking and feeling good.
Last and definately MOST importantly,
4. Maintain your hair regularly with your professional stylist.   
Follow these simple tips and you will be exotic!

Welcome to my Exotic blog!

Hello everyone and welcome to this fine and wonderful journey of hair we are going to embark on! I will be showing you tips, ideas and advice on your hair, how best to look exotic and professional with African styles.

There will be some mysteries revealed and look out for some tutorials in the near future.

I look forward to your feedback and comments...

Remember that YOU are an exotic being!